25 specially trained Giggle Doctors

By combining music, play, magic and storytelling our Giggle Doctors bring joy and laughter to brave children in challenging times. Dr Boogie Woogie to Dr Teapot, our Giggle Doctors wear their very own ‘doctor coats’, which represents their character, and spend time one to one with the children.

Discover the Giggle Doctors

Giggle Doctor Training

At Theodora’s we take the training of the Giggle Doctors very seriously, ensuring the safety of the Giggle Doctors, hospital staff, and the children we visit and their families. During their intensive 2 year training, Giggle Doctors cover both clinical training such as infection control and artistic training, which helps them to adapt their artistic skills to the hospital environment.

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Giggle Doctors

Dr Flowerpot

Hello my name is Dr Flowerpot and I like being in the garden. My best friend is a worm called Bob. I love to dance and get myself in a pickle. I can talk to the birds and the woodland creatures, I'm on first name terms with the bees and the rabbits. Flowers make me happy.

Dr Geehee

Hi I am Dr Geehee. I'm a 11 years old a leap year Baby. I invented the light bulb and the Do-bow and many other useful items. I come from a famous family, Rihanna is my Nanna and Ed Sheeran is my Boyfriend. I have a pet spider who looks like a shark. Sometime when I get excited I blow popcorns but they are not smelly.  

Dr Glow

Hello! Dr Glow here! I am Very Clever! But I'm a bit new here, so I've got a bit to learn... maybe you can help? I used to work in the worm hospital with the bookworms, but it turns out children are a little different to worms. I love bright colours, and if no-one else is around then I'm usually found chattering away or singing to myself.

Dr Gubbins

Hello, Gertie Gubbins here! I washed my best set of spanners this morning but one's been blown off the washing line. Have you seen it? As soon as I find my map I'm going on a grand expedition to find it. Would you like to come too? I can't wait to show you my collection of favourite things. I've got all sorts of treasure, you know the type of things that you find down the back of your sofa, or the forgotten corners of your attic, along with all the other stuff, fluff, stardust and penguins that have gathered there. Rightio, off we go!

Dr Hunky Dory

I'm Dr Hunky Dory and I'm a Junior Giggle Doctor in my final year of training. I visit children in hospitals and specialist care centres across England. By combining music, play, magic and storytelling, I bring magical moments to brave children in challenging times.

Dr Jammi

Hello I'm Dr. Jammi, I never ever get out of my pyjamas and am always ready for a quick snooze. I often imagine I'm on a beach in the sun or swimming in the sea. You'll never guess where I'm from because my accent is always changing. I want to be a tree when I grow up.

Dr Mish Mash

Hello, I am Dr Mish Mash. I’m a little bit of that and a little bit of this. Or This and That depending on which way you face or whether you are having an inside out day or upside down day. Whatever the day I like to play. Fact: Dr Mish Mash is Magic I can close my eyes and go anywhere I want. Just like that. Shall we do it together? Where shall we go? Got it? Hold that thought. Ok let’s go 1, 2, 3…. Close your eyes… and we’re there. Open our eyes and we’re back. Imagining is where magic starts. Now where to next…

Dr Muddy Puddle

Hello! I’m Dr Muddy Puddle and you’ll probably find me marching around in my bright yellow wellies, searching for the biggest, SQUELCH-iest muddy puddle to roll around in! I live in a tree and carry the moon in my pocket. Every morning when I wake up, there's always a nest on my head! I can make you ANY balloon animal you'd like, as long as it's a worm....

Dr Nic Nac

Hiya! My name’s Dr Nic Nac and I love carrying around big bag full’s of useless junk. I am fully fluent in wall, curtain, crisp packet and even …tissue (the hardest language to learn!) After all that…my street dancing, street rapping and reading of street maps will knock your socks off!


Our Programmes



Virtual Visits

Virtual Visit

Specialist Care Centres

Specialist Care Centres