18 May 2023
Children's Mental Health Campaign

Last week we took part in the important nationwide discussion about anxiety, during Mental Health Awareness Week. In our 2022 Impact Report published earlier this year, we saw that 68% of parents felt that meeting a Giggle Doctor reduced their child’s stress and anxiety, and 79% of parents felt the meeting improved their child’s mood. We are proud that over the last 29 years we have continued to create magical moments for thousands of children across the country, through our bedside and virtual visits.
So that as many children as possible can receive these unique and valuable visits, we are launching our Children’s Mental Health Campaign on 1st June 2023. Please visit and share the page between 1st June and 8th June.
Anything you donate during that week will be doubled at no cost to you, you can even add Gift Aid on top! If you give £15, this could be £33 to Theodora Children’s Charity with Gift Aid. (Gift Aid allows us to reclaim the basic rate tax you pay as a UK taxpayer. It means that we can claim 25p of tax for every £1 you donate, at no extra cost to you!)

Whilst the Giggle Doctors work for Theodora Children’s Charity they are not volunteers. Every visit is completely free for parents and guardians, ensuring the visit is accessible to every child and their family.
We plan to have at least 9,000 Giggle Doctor visits in 2023, more than double the number in 2022. This is an even more important figure when we see that it is reported mental health problems have increased five-fold over the past 20 years and will increase a further 63% by 2030. Our continuous presence will not be possible without our fantastic supporters – whether you share our work, receive a visit or donate – Thank you for #givingagiggle.

Holly de la Nougeréde
Fundraising and Communications Manager
T: 07507 729 633