André Poulie

Co-Founder and Voluntary Director of Theodora UK

Holly de la Nougeréde

Fundraising and Communications Manager

Ellen Blessington

Senior Community and Communications Fundraiser

Molly Franklin

Giggle Doctor Programme Manager

Isabel Squires

Programme Coordinator and Impact Measurement Lead

Cheryl Neil

Senior Finance Officer

André Poulie, Founder

“In April of 1994, my brother and I had the honour to begin our Giggle Doctor Programme in the UK at the Great Ormond Street Hospital. 30 years later, we also have Theodora Giggle Doctors established and active in Hong Kong, Turkey, Belarus, Italy, Spain, Switzerland. We are most thankful to our generous partners and donors since without them, the existence our charities would have remained a dream.”

Jan Poulie, Founder

“My brother and I created the Theodora Children’s Charity in memory of our mother, Theodora. When André was young he was involved in a serious accident and spent months in hospital away from his friends and loved ones. Our mother came to visit him every day and it is her warmth that he remembers most from that time. When Theodora sadly passed away, we decided to create a charity to bring the same feelings of joy to children in hospital for generations to come with our wonderful Giggle Doctors.”

Ian Kelly

“I first heard of Theodora’s through my livery company, the Worshipful Company of Butchers when serving as Chair of their Charity Committee when we received an application. I was so moved by their work that during my year as Master I nominated Theodora my chosen charity. I continue to be impressed by the impact the Charity provides supporting seriously ill children and their families during what is often a time of extreme stress. Laughter is proven to be very therapeutic!”

Helen Fentimen

“Throughout my career as a paediatric nurse, in health and local government, as well as being Chair of Board of School Governors, I have been privileged to contribute to services for children. I have seen first hand the impact that illness short and long term can have on children and their families. Theodora plays an extremely important part in helping alleviate the worst of this, and now as a Trustee I can continue to support children and families.”

Ken Robertshaw

“I first came across the Theodora Children’s Charity almost 20 years ago and was immediately drawn to their ethos of providing fun and laughter for children at a time when it needed most. Through my service to the community as a member of Rotary International, I was able to introduce them to our organisation and we have enjoyed a close relationship for many years now. I was delighted to be invited to become a trustee as a result of my fundraising activities and am now pleased to be able to support the team in a more personal way”

Janet Lee

“I have worked in Children’s Critical Care Nursing for 40 years, dedicating myself to addressing the complex health needs of a child, and reducing the trauma of a critical care stay on both child and family. Some of my favourite working memories were alongside the Giggle Doctors, with whom I worked with for over 10 years. I admire their professionalism and skill, as well as their warmth and ability to form connections with the children and young people. I couldn’t be happier to support them in my retirement.”

Daniel Wise

“Having worked with the founders of Theodora for a number of years whilst a partner at a City law firm, I had an introduction to both the international team at Theodora but more importantly the incredibly valuable work the charity undertake at hospitals across the globe. I was delighted to be asked a few years ago to serve on the board and bring some value to our work and the charity through my background as a lawyer for over 20 years. It’s been my great pleasure to be able to serve in some small way in providing this support.”

Sabine Notz-Catsiapis


Joshua Byrne
