1 January 2016
Giggle Doctor visits increase in Leeds and Bath

We are very excited to announce that we will be increasing the amount of Giggle Doctor visits to the Royal United Hospital in Bath and at Leeds General Infirmary from January 2016.
Thanks to funding from trusts, companies and the local community, these much anticipated monthly visits will now become a weekly occurrence.
Neoma Jacobs, a Play Leader at Leeds General says “The Giggle Doctor visits bring lots of joy and laughter, not only to the children but to parents and staff within the hospital. We are truly delighted that the visits have been increased from once a month to once a week as it means they have more opportunity to visits wards more regularly and visit more areas. During their visits they are able to make children relax and feel happy, taking their mind away from the hospital environment they are in and creating smiles which parents treasure. We feel very fortunate that they are able to visit the Leeds Children’s Hospital and always look forward to their visits.”
The RUH has two Play Specialists, Jo Gardiner and Linda Powell, who work alongside other healthcare professionals, organising daily play and activities on the children’s ward or at the bedside to help children master and cope with fears and anxieties.
Linda says “We are delighted that Dr Ding Dong is now able to visit us on a more regular basis, she has an amazing way with both children and their families; her skilful mixture of magic, jokes, warmth and sensitivity puts everyone at ease. A visit from the Giggle Doctor is always a very welcome distraction.”
To continue spreading smiles at Leeds General Infirmary and the Royal United Hospital, the Theodora Children’s Charity relies on donations and support from the local community. If you would like to make a donation or find out more about how you, your workplace or your school could get involved then please do get in touch by emailing theodora.uk@theodora.org or by calling 020 7713 0044